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The Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa works with women and gender-diverse people who have been or may become criminalized, to reduce harm and oppression and to contribute to a healthy community.

Mission, Vision, Values

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa is the only organization in Ottawa providing a feminist, intersectional lens on criminalized women and gender-diverse people.

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The Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa works with women and gender-diverse people who have been or may become criminalized, to reduce harm and oppression and to contribute to a healthy community.


  • "I’m learning that I don’t have to do this alone. E Fry is there every step of the way."

  • "I have learned better ways of dealing with my anger and stress. I am always more calm and think about my actions before I do them."

  • "I am very grateful for E Fry programs. They help you when you think no one else cares."

  • "I have left my dysfunctional, abusive relationship and I’m committed to remaining clean from drugs."

  • "I’m able to use the tools that I was given at Elizabeth Fry and apply them to my life today."

  • "All the programming and treatment that I accessed was Elizabeth Fry in the background advocating for me."

  • "I got the opportunity to prove myself to the court and get a second chance to turn my life around."

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