Residential Programs

J F Norwood House (transition residence)

JF Norwood House (JFN) is a 15-bed transition house located in downtown Ottawa. JFN offers a supportive living environment to federally and provincially sentenced adult women and gender-diverse people transitioning to the community. JFN staff support clients with successful reintegration into the community by offering a safe and encouraging environment where residents can focus on employment, education, and family/community reintegration, with support from other E Fry Ottawa services and wider community supports. Our staff provide in-reach services to women in federal prisons to support their reintegration to the community upon release.

Download an application form here. For more information, please email or call (613) 237-7427.

Lotus House (bail residence)

Lotus House provides a safe and supportive residence for adult women and gender-diverse people who are on bail under Ontario’s Bail Verification and Supervision Program. Lotus House staff provide community-based supervision to residents who would otherwise likely be held in custody pending the resolution of their criminal charges. Residents access other E Fry Ottawa services, including counselling, crisis intervention, education and employment guidance, and referrals to other community resources. We partner with the John Howard Society of Ottawa, which provides bail supervision to support residents at Lotus House.

Applications to Lotus House must be made through legal counsel. Download an application form here. For more information, please email or call (613) 237-7427.